At least 500,000 people have LASIK surgery every year, and it’s the most common type of eye surgery today. If you’re wondering about LASIK and whether it’s right for you, a LASIK consultation at Dr. Bozner’s Vision Lab Optometry & Dry Eye Treatment Center with Richard Bozner OD, is the next step to getting clear vision without glasses. Call the Riverside, California, office or book your appointment using the online scheduling feature now. Dr. Bozner has 30 years of preop and postop care and management with LASIK patients. As an NVISION AFFILATE DOCTOR, Dr.Bozner has worked exclussively with Dr. Thomas Tooma director and founder of NVISION LASIK CENTER. Dr. Tooma has performed well over 140,000 Lasik proceedures and provides a lifetime commitment.

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What is LASIK surgery?

Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) is a vision correction surgery. During this procedure, your surgeon uses laser light to reshape your cornea, correcting refractive errors and allowing you to see without glasses or contact lenses.

What eye problems can LASIK treat 

MYOPIA (nearsighted)

Nearsightedness, or myopia, happens when you can see close-up objects pretty clearly, but far-away objects are blurry. This refractive error develops when irregular eye shape, usually elongation, causes light rays to focus in front of the retina (the light-sensitive tissues at the back of your eye) instead of on the retina.

HYPEROPIA (farsighted)

Farsightedness, or hyperopia, happens when your close-up vision is blurry, but your distance vision is clearer. It occurs due to a shorter-than-normal eyeball or too little curvature of the cornea (the clear covering of your iris and pupil).


Astigmatism causes fuzzy focus with both your close-up and distance vision. It occurs when your cornea is not spherical or round, rather oval in shape.

LASIK surgery removes a small amount of the corneal tissue to reshape your eyes.

Do I still have to wear reading glasses after LASIK?

Most of the time Dr. Bozner has had incredible success providing the patient with MONOVISION.  Dr. Bozner determinies your dominate eye for distance, and your nondominate eye for near and reading. Patients  over 40 love this ability to function at near without having to use reading glasses.  The amazing outcome is that you do not even know  your nondominate eye is slightly blurry at far.  Remember,..we see with our brain, the eyes simply send the information to the brain.  The brain does the seeing.

Reading glasses, which you wear only for close-up tasks like reading, typing, or sewing, treat presbyopia. This condition happens when the part of your eye that helps direct light to your retina (the lens) stiffens and loses its ability to focus on close objects. Presbyopia affects everyone, starting at around the age of 40.

Unfortunately, LASIK doesn’t treat presbyopia. If you needed reading glasses before LASIK, you’ll need them after. And, if you’re still too young to have presbyopia, you’ll need to use reading glasses sometime in the future.

Am I a good candidate for LASIK surgery?

LASIK surgery is best suited for patients who are over 18 and have good overall eye health. Generally, you need to have stable vision (no major prescription changes) for the last few years to have LASIK.

If you have an eye issue that could disqualify you from LASIK, for example, thin corneas, you could still be a good candidate for another type of refractive surgery.

The team at Dr. Bozner’s Vision Lab Optometry & Dry Eye Treatment Center is here to explain LASIK, help you qualify for the procedure, and guide you before and after surgery. To learn more, call the office or book an appointment online today.